Hult international business school

conversion: BUILDING A global lead nurturing program

WHAT: Global lead nurturing program. Overhaul messaging, optimize copy, and build a fully automated system to ensure regional consistency and efficiency.

OBJECTIVES: Increase email open and conversion rates from lead to application. Test new system (Eloqua) for global implementation.

OUTCOMES: Increased total email open rates by 5% , conversion rates by 8%, and applications by 24% (18% MBA, 10% Masters, and 60% BBA increases in enrollment).

Dramatically changed how the company thought about customer-centric marketing. Copy and drip system became the global standard and I was asked to partner with the Global Marketing team to implement the project in the European, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Asian regions.

content development: Case Study Scholarship Competitions

WHAT: Case study scholarship competitions. Worked closely with faculty to develop and co-write multiple case studies (BMW, Uber, and AirBnB) for lead generation.

OBJECTIVES: Increase brand awareness for Hult. Add more academic content to lead nurturing process. Elevate the perception of Hult in the US market.

OUTCOMES: 20% increase in lead generation. Built previously non-existent partnership between enrollment and the academic leadership team. Rolled out globally as a conversion tool for all regions.


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